Defects and Microstructures

Oral Contributions

  1. Expansion of the X-Ray Statistical Dynamical Scattering Theory Towards Practical Applications
    A.M. Poliakov

  2. TEM Evidence for Disclinations in Plastically Deformed Metals
    V. Klemm, P. Klimanek, M. Seefeldt

  3. On-Line Topography and High Resolution Diffracton with Coherent Illumination Applied for Microelectronics Structures
    Drakopoulos, I. Snigireva, N. Awaji, M.A. Snigirev

  4. The Comparison of Lattice and Continuum Theories of Huang Scattering
    R.I. Barabash, J.S. Chung, M.F. Thorpe

  5. Point defect generation during plastic deformation of semiconductors
    H.S. Leipner, C.G. Hübner, R. Krause-Rehberg

  6. Suzuki precipitates in NaCl
    M. Chall, W. Depmeier, B. Winkler

  7. Microdomain boundaries and diffuse X-ray scattering in RFe6Ge6 (R=Tb,Ho,Er) single crystals
    O. Zaharko, A. Cervellino, M. Estermann, P. Schobinger-Papamantellos


  1. X-ray study of the order-disorder transformation by plastic deformation
    S.V. Starenchenko, E.V. Kozlov, V.A. Starenchenko

  2. The Influence of Local Defects in Pb-Bi Single Crystals on Plasticity Mechanism at 0.5-295 K
    N.V. Isaev, V.D. Natsik, V.V. Pustovalov, V.S. Fomenko, S.E. Shumilin

  3. X-ray Analysis of Microtexture Development in Aluminium and Copper during Hot Compression
    M. Haberjahn, P. Klimanek, M. Motylenko

  4. Defects and Structure of Dopped Oxide Crystals
    N. Kulagin

  5. Anomalous Effects of Scattering by Aging Crystals and Solid Solutions
    R.I. Barabash

  6. Anisotropy of X-Ray and Neutron Scattering by Crystals with Dislocation Walls
    R.I. Barabash, P. Klimanek

  7. Configuration-Symmetry Analysis of Interstitial Point Defects in H.C.P. Crystals and Distribution of Diffuse Radiation-Scattering Intensity in reciprocal Space
    V.A. Tatarenko

  8. X-Ray Diffuse Scattering and Structure of Supersaturated Solid Solution NaCl-AgCl
    A.V. Dobromyslov

  9. Microstructural Study of the Ni-In Supersaturated Solid Solutions Obtained with Mechanochemical Alloying
    S.V. Tsybulya, S.V. Cherepanova, G.N. Kryukova, T.F. Grigorieva

  10. Research Breaches of Fluorite Structure by Double Crystal X-Ray Topography and High Resolution Diffractometry
    G. Kablis, V. Punegov, A. Petrakov

  11. Distribution of Intensity of Transmited X-Ray Beam in Laue-Case for Dislocation Crystals LiF
    A.V. Pushkarev

  12. Modelling of Irregular Interstratified Structures of Single Crystals with Chemical Inhomogeneity
    T.I. Ivanova, O.V. Frank-Kamenetskaya, V.A. Drits

  13. New Methods for Prestress Estimation
    A. Zilbershtein

  14. The Metastable Orange Modification of HgI2
    M. Hostettler, H. Birkedal, D. Schwarzenbach

  15. About a Possible Relationship between the Structure of Twin Boundaries and REE Content in Fluorite Crystals
    B.B. Shkurskiy

  16. Investigation of External Inhomogeneity Effects on the X-Ray and Optical parameters of LiNbO3 and SBN Crystals
    A.A. Zholudev, V.N. Trushin, Y.V. Chuprunov, M.A. Faddeyev, A.F. Khokhlov

  17. Refinement of Several Structures on the Same Diffraction Patterns
    H. Birkendal, M. Hostettler, W. Paciorek, D. Schwarzenbach

  18. Theory of X-Ray Diffraction on Crystalline Structure with Particles of Cylindrical Shape
    V. Hautyunyan

  19. A comparison of methods for particle size determination.
    M. Cernansky, V. Holy, J. Kub, J. Kubena