
Institute of Physics of Solids and Semiconductors NASB, P.Brouki 17, 220072 Minsk, Belarus,

Keywords: X-ray diffraction, dislocation single crystal, distribution of intensity

The X-ray diffraction study on real crystals has shown that the degree of perfection of their crystal structure considerable influences the diffraction characteristics. In this connection in the present work the X-ray research on the influences of distortion of crystal lattices caused by dislocations on the space and angular distribution of intensity of X-ray beams was carried out.

The transmitted beam in the symmetric Laue-case diffraction for LiF crystal plates with various dislocation density was studied. The X-ray CuKa1 radiation was used. To determinate the space distribution the measurements of intensity of transmitted beam by slit scanning of the section one were carried out. The study of angular distribution of intensity was implemented by the triple-crystal arrangement. The necessary measurements were executed at the various angles of deviation of the studied crystal from exact Bragg position ( e=0 ).

It was established that the form of the obtained curve of the space distribution of intensity depends on . While investigate the angular distribution of intensity for total section of the transmitted beam as the crystal on approach zero the change of beams direction of the transmitted X-rays was observed. The execution of such research for separate areas from its section has shown that the change of their direction is observed within the limits of the whole beam area. Thus the growth of e angle of X-rays deviation relative to the directions of primary beam at the transition to the area caused by the diffraction is observed. It is assumed that this behavior of X-rays of the transmitted beam is connected with infringement of the coherence of waves at the diffraction in real crystals (1, 2).

  1. N.M.Olekhnovich, A.V.Pushkarev, Phys. stat. sol. (a) 119 (1990) 27-34
  2. N.M.Olekhnovich, A.V.Pushkarev, Poverhnost' 7 (1996) 52-61