Shkurskiy B.B.

Moscow State University, Department of Geology, Russia

In this work several problems of altervalent substitutions in imperfect crystals of some nonstoichiometric fluorides are considered. Fluorite-like compounds with the general formula M1-xRxF2+x, where M = Ca, Sr, Ba; R = Y, La and other REE, have been theoretically studied. A new scheme of substitutions at twin boundaries is proposed.

In accordance with Willis' model [1] a defect structure of fluoride compounds contains an excess anions of F' in 48i (0.5,u,u), 32f (v,v,v) Wyckoff positions and F-vacancies in 8c (1/4,1/4,1/4) positions. Pauling's ABC-notation can be applied to M2+ and R3+ arrangements. Let us regard interpenetrate twin on (111) of fluorite. Planes' and vectors' symbols correspond to point group 6/mmm of the twin, e.g. (001) will correspond to (100) of m3m.

Suppositional atomic structure near (001) twin boundary can be represented as (...A,BCB,A...) sequence of 36 M-layers. This model was obtained from cubic Fm3m structure described as (...ABCABC...)-sequence by reflection in (001) plane coinciding in with C-layer.

Flat hexagonal domain (..,BCB,..) one can regard as a three-layer framework of M- and F- atoms. It is suitable choice of origin for P63/mmc cell at 2c(2/3,1/3,3/4), then M-site is 2c (0, 0, 0) and F-atoms' site is 4f (1/3, 2/3, z). These F-atoms centering adjacent FM4-tetrahedra form a wavy 63-layers localized between (..,BCB,..) M-layers. As least distance F-F are too small, structure should be characterized by strong steric strains.

There are two ways of structure relaxation, which carried out togheser. The first way consists in movement of nearest F-atoms from their sites along threefold axes towards opposite vertices of adjacent FCa4-tetrahedra, and the second one is some dilation (det(M)= approx 1.1 for tysonite) along the same direction. Parameters of these transformations was calculated.

The pair of empty reflect-related F8-cubes gives a polyhedron of a trigonal symmetry. It has 14 vertices (one of 8 atoms per each cubes is loosed). M-atoms have the coordination numbers 8 (base-centered trigonal prisms). Presence of the F-vacancies makes rather possible altervalent REE3+ --> M2+ substitutions. Excess anions can preferentially fill in M3-coordinated sites, that is similar to ones due to Willis' scheme. In spite of redundancy number of vacancies in 4e (1/3,2/3,z), which are images of 32f (v,v,v), its can be reduced to 2b (1/3,2/3,0).

Summing up we can say that F-atoms occupy two point systems: 4f (2/3,1/3,z) and 2b (1/3,2/3,0) of P63/mmc. M- or REE-atoms site in 2c (0,0,0) and the origin is there.

If all of M-atoms of C-layer are substituted with REE, C-layer and its F-neighboring is not other that planar fragment of the tysonite-type structure, e.g. (Ce,La)F3 - a mineral fluocerite-(Ce), SmF3, LaF3 etc. REE-atoms are 11-coordinated with F-atoms, which form all-faces-centered trigonal prisms around REE-cations as well as it takes place in tysonite-type structures. These planar tysonite-like clusters localizes exactly at twin boundaries.

If only even number of stacking-falls (..ABCBA..) are realized, more large along c-axis fragments of tysonite-like REE-fluorides can be concluded in fluorite crystals without twinning. If these fragments form three-dimensional cluster and its areas and thickness are small (only a few of atoms), its can form tetrahedral or octahedral clusters early proposed [2].

Y and REE of it's family can probably chow another substitutional preference. The twin boundaries (112) for Fm3m ( (100) for P63/mmc) seem be having higher Y-capasity with comparison to (111) or (001) correspondely.

Every attempt to observing of these tysonite-like REE-fluorides occuring as thin fragments in fluorite-like crystals will be desirable.

  1. Willis B.M.T. - J.Phys., 1964, t. 25, pp. 431-439.
  2. Laval J.P., Frit B. - J. Solid State Chem., 1983, vol. 49, pp. 237-246.

