Phase Transitions

Oral Contributions

  1. Density Functional Calculations as a New Tool to Study Phase Transitions
    K.H. Schwarz

  2. Approaching Phase Transitions with Nodal Surfaces Models
    S. Leoni, R. Nesper

  3. Structural Aspects of Inorganic Spin Peierls Compounds
    M. Braden, G. Heger, B. Hennion, W. Reichardt, G. Dhalenne, A. Revcolevschi

  4. Isosymmetrical Polymorphic Transitions in Alkali Borates
    S. Filatov, R. Bubnova, I. Polyakova


  1. Real Time Bragg Diffraction Imaging Study of Magnetic Phase Transitions in MnP
    E. Pernot, C. Medrano, E. Boller, F. Lorut, J. Baruchel

  2. Phase Transformation in VCP-Space
    D.M. Mato

  3. Phase Transitions in the Mixed Compound K2.54(NH4)1.46Hg3 Cl10.2H2O
    A. Kabadou, R. Ben Hassen, A. Ben Salah

  4. Low Temperature Phase Transitions of the Cu6PS5Br Crystal
    A. Haznar, A. Pietraszko, I.P. Studenyak, M. Wolcyrz

  5. High Temperature X-ray Diffraction Studies on Hydrogen Tungsten Bronze
    B.S. Acharya, Rajeev, L.D. Pradhan

  6. Order and Disorder in (CO)xC60 Crystals
    S. van Smaalen, R. Dinnebier, I. Holleman, G. von Helden, G. Meijer, W. Schnelle

  7. Structural Transitions in Finedispersional Manganese Phases
    G.N. Lysiuk

  8. How Small Admixtures (X<=0.15) of Alkalii Metals (Li+1, Na+1 and Rb+1) Influence on the Structural and Dynamical Properties of KMNF3 ?
    J. Kapusta, P. Daniel, A. Ratuszna

  9. X-ray Study of Structure and Phase Transitions in Cs3Sb2I9 Crystal
    M.S. Novikova, B.Sh. Bagautdinov, I.P. Alexandrova, M. Blomberg

  10. Theoretical Investigation of alpha-beta Transformation of Quartz
    A.R. Oganov, V.S. Urusov, N.N. Eremin

  11. Order and Disorder in ZnGeP2 Crystals
    G. Kimmel, Y. Shimony, O. Raz, M.P. Dariel

  12. Crystal Structure of [NH2(CH3)2]2CoCl4 at Elevated Temperatures
    V. Langer, A.H. Mahmoudkhani

  13. Structural Transition in the Neodymium Nickelate at Iso- and Heterovalent Substitutions
    S.A. Nedilko, O.F. Manchenko, T.P. Lichko

  14. Phase Transitions in the Mixed Compound NH4(HSO4)0.45(H2PO4)0.55
    S. Bouattour, T. Mhiri, A.W. Kolsi, A. Daoud

  15. The Problem of Two Magnetic Correlation Lengths in Invar FeNi Alloys above Tc: Review of the Recent Experiments
    S.V. Grigoriev, S.A. Klimko, M.Th. Rekveldt

  16. X-Ray Diffraction Study of Sphalerite-Cinnabar Phase Transition in Hg1-xCoxS
    W. Paszkowicz, W. Szuszkiewicz, K. Szamota-Sadowska, J. Domagala, B. Witkowska, M. Marczak, P. Zinn

  17. Structure and Phase Transition in (C2H5NH3)Sb3Cl13
    M. Bujak,J. Zaleski

  18. Phase transition in cesium sulfamate, Cs(NH2SO3)
    M. Kresse, L. Bohaty, U. Peuchert, J. Schneider

  19. Diffraction Studies of Partially Crystallized Al85Y10Ni5 Amorphous Alloy
    J. Latuch, H. Matyja

  20. Comparison of the Structural Mechanizm of Superionic Phase Transition in Me4LiH3(SeO4)4 (NH4)4H2(SeO4)3 and Me3H(SeO4)2
    A. Pietraszko, K. Lukaszewicz, B. Hliczer

  21. Polymorphism in LiGeBO4
    P. Becker, L. Bohaty, J. Liebertz

  22. Klassengleiche Phase Transition in Calcium and Strontium Sulfamate Tetrahydrate
    G. Schetter, L. Bohaty, P. Held

  23. Crystallographic Discussion of AgTax)Nb1-xO3
    Z. Zikmund

  24. Phase behaviour of the chlorosubstituted neopentanes,
    C. Buhrmester, H. Fuess

  25. Ferroelastic phase transition in Cs3Bi2I9: A study by neutron diffraction
    A. Jorio, R. Currat, I.P. Aleksandrova, G. McIntyre, P. Saint-Gregore

  26. The Use of Lattices of Subgroups of Space Groups in Classification of Domain Pairs and in Domain Distinction. The Demonstration of a C-Program to Visualize Such Lattices.
    P. Engel, J. Fuksa

  27. Analysis of chevron twin tiling of LaAlO3
    S. Bueble, W.W. Schmahl

  28. Experimental study of the Pockels effect and its temperature dependence
    V. Wirth, H. Hellwig, L. Bohaty

  29. Pecularities of Phase Transitions in PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3
    Yu. Zakharov, L. Pustovaya, K. Abdulvakhidov, Yu. Kabirov, R. Kolesova, M. Kupriyanov, R. Skulski, Z. Surowiak

  30. Domain wall symmetry and crystal forms
    J. Privratska, V. Janovec

  31. Partly disordered crystal structures of some organic diethyl phosphonates of biological importance
    G. Wojcik, J. Holband, P. Kafarski