A. Kabadou, R. Ben Hassen and A. Ben Salah

Laboratoire de L'Etat solide, Faculté des sciences de Sfax-3038 TUNISIE


The present work intends to study the effect of partial substitution of NH4+ by K+ in NH4HgCl3.

Single crystals of K2.54(NH4)1.46Hg3Cl10·2H2O were grown by slow evaporation from a mixture of water and acetone containing stoichiometric KCl- NH4Cl-HgCl2 at room temperature in the ratio 1 / 1 /2.

The formula is determined by refinement of the crystal structure and confirmed by chemical analysis.

Potassium-ammonium mercurate exhibits two phase transitions at T1= 395K and T2=424K:

phase I - (395K) -> phase II - (424K) -> phase III

These transitions have been detected by differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, Raman Scattering on polycrystalline samples of K2.54(NH4)1.46Hg3Cl10·2H2O. The room temperature phase is ordered and exhibits orthorhombic symmetry { space group Pmcm with a= 4. 511(1 )Ä, b=14.489(2)Ä and c=16.074(4)Ä ). By heating across the I -> II transition, the cell parameters become a= 4.500(2), b=17.758(5) and c= 22.894(5)Ä.

Hydrogen bonding, the nature and the degree of structure (dis)order and the mechanisms of the phase transitions are discussed. The NH4+ ions show an important orientation disorder at the high temperatures.