S.A.Nedilko, O.F.Manchenko, T.P.Lishko

Department of Chemistry, Kiev Taras Shevchenko University, Kiev 252033, Ukraine

As the cuprate compound Nd1.4Ce0.2Sr0.4CuO4- is known to be a superconductor [1] and Cu2+ and Ni2+ have rather close ionic radii, we have studied the formation, structure and electrical properties of Nd1.4Ln0.2Sr0.4Ni1-xCuxO4 (Ln = Ce, Pr, Eu, Tb; 0<=x<=1) solid solutions.

The samples were obtained from coprecipitated carbonates with postheat treatment in air at 900-950oC for 10 hours. After calcination the specimens were regrounded, pelletized and then annealed in air and in O2 at 900-1100oC for 30 hours with an intermediate grinding.

It was found by powder X-ray diffraction analysis that the solid solutions of tetragonal structure (space group I4/mmm) known as T-phase (K2NiF4 type) and T'-phase (Nd2CuO4 type) were formed in the Nd1.4Ln0.2Sr0.4Ni1-xCuxO4 systems (Ln = Pr, Eu, Tb). The Nd1.4Ce0.2Sr0.4Ni1-xCuxO4 (0<=x<=1) systems contain CeO2 as well as T and T'-phases.

A single phase regions of the phases obtained have been determined. They were found to be 0<=x<=0,4 (Pr, Tb) and 0<=x<=0.6 (Eu). The reducing of the annealing temperature below 1000oC leads to the structural transition TT' and the formation of biphase systems.

The Ce, Pr, Eu - and Tb- containing neodimium and strontium cuprates crystallize with the Nd2NiO4 structure, whereas the nickelates of the same composition have the tetragonal K2NiF4 structure. Prolonged annealing of Nd1.4Ce0.2Sr0.4CuO4 in O2 at 1050oC results in the structural transition T'->T* and the formation of two phases. The lattice parameters are calculated for all single phase materials.

According to the data of iodometric analysis the concentration of the trivalent nickel decreases with the increase of the copper content in the Nd1.4Ln0.2Sr0.4Ni1-xCuxO4 (Ln = Pr, Eu, Tb) solid solutions.

Resistance measurement carried out in the temperature range 77-300 K have revealed the semi-conducting behavior for the single phase materials.

1. M.Klauda, P.Lunz, J.Markl et al., Physica C. 191 (1992) 137.