Spin, Charge and Momentum Density

Oral Contribution

  1. Charge Densities Based on Synchrotron/CCD Experiments
    R. Flaig, T. Koritsanszky

  2. Deformation Electron Density and Atomic Charges: From Small Molecules to Protein Structures
    C. Jelsch, V. Pichon-Pesme, C. Lecomte, M. Teeter

  3. Topological Analysis of the Charge Density in Crystals: What Can We Learn about the Nature of Chemical Bonds
    K.A. Lyssenko, M.Yu. Antipin

  4. Interaction Energies in Glycine Crystals froma Charge Density Study at 23 K
    R. Destro, M. Barzaghi, R. Soave, R.E. Marsh

  5. Experimental Observation of the Ligand-Opp Core Charge Concentration in VOCl3, Accounting for Its Oserved Geometry with Regard to the VSEPR Model
    C.S. Frampton

  6. Observation of Orbital Moment in NiO
    V. Fernandez, C. Vettier, F. de Bergevin, C. Giles, W. Neubeck

  7. Abstract Effect of Crystal Field on the Electron Density of the Meytal Ion Hydrates of 3d Metal Salts; X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Results
    H. Ptasiewicz-Bak, I. Olovsson, G.J. McIntyre


  1. Charge Density in Natural Datolite and Its Comparison with Other Silicate Minerals
    E.I. Belokoneva, A.N. Gorjunova

  2. Effect of Anomalous Manifestation of Hydrogen Atoms on Electron Density Maps in Superprotonic Phases Having a Dynamically Disordered Hydrogen Bond Network
    B.V. Merinov

  3. The covalent bond in Si and C as seen by lattice dynamics
    J. Kulda, R. Bauer, H. Sterner, D. Strauch

  4. Electric Field Induced Electron Density response of GaAs and ZnSe
    J. Stahn, A. Pucher, U. Pietsch

  5. Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Electron Density Distribution in Meisenheimer Complex - Derivatice of 5,7-Dinitroquinoline
    O.Ya. Borbulevych, O.V. Shishkin, M.Yu. Antipin, K.A. Lysenko, V.N. Knyazev

  6. Experimental Charge Density Study of the Metal-Metal Bonding in Binuclear Metal Carbonyls
    R. Bianchi, G. Gervasio, D. Marabello

  7. Structure and electrostatic properties of polyoxovanadates
    V. Pichon-Pesme, H. Lachekar, C. Lecomte, M. Benard, M-M. Rohmer

  8. The Hydrogen Bond Strength in Terms of the Topological Properties of the Electron Density Distribution
    E. Espinosa, E. Molins, C. Lecomte, C. Miravitlles

  9. The Use of the Electronic Localisation Function and Partial Electronic Density for Investigating the Electronic Structure of the Zintl Anions in Ba3Ge4.
    F. Zürcher, R. Nesper

  10. Electron density determination on [Ni(MNT)2]2- [N(CH3)4]+2
    M. Trenkle, H. Burzlaff, H. Kisch