B2 - Electron Diffraction and Electron Microscopy

Chair: Sven Hovmoller (Germany), Co-chair: Zbynek Novy (Czech Republic)

10.00 Sven Hovmöller Structure Determination Using Electron Diffraction A
10.40 W. Neumann, R. Schneider, H. Kirmse, I. Hähnert Transmission Electron Microscopy of Quantum Structures A


11.30 X.Z. Li, V. Hansen, K. Stiller, G. Waterloo, R. Wallenberg, J. Gjonnes An Electron Crystallography and Atom Probe Investigation of Zones and Precipitate Phases in Industrial Al-Zn-Mg Alloys A
11.50 J. Gjonnes, V. Hansen Symmetry in real and reciprocal space in dynamical electron diffraction: a Bloch wave description including higher Laue zones A
12.10 A. Avilov, G. Lepeshov, A. Kulygin, V. Zavodnik, E. Belokoneva, V. Tsirelson, J. Stahn, U. Pietsch, J. Spence Quantitative Reconstruction of the Electrostatic Potential in MgO and NaF by Electron and X-Ray Diffraction A
12.30 G.N. Kryukova, S.V. Tsybulya Systematic Study of the Microstructure of Different Oxide Catalysts Using X-Ray Powder Diffraction and High Pressure Electron Microscopy A