N.G. Sudorgin

7, Zorge, Chemistry department of Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia,

3D-networks, aluminum, chemistry of solid, chromium, crystalline lattice, crystallography, electrochemical, insertion, ion, ion transport, iron, lithium, molybdates, monoclinic, Netscape, neutron, orthorhombic, phases, power diffraction, structure, transition metal, virtual reality, visualization, VRML, X-ray, zirconium.

Development of computer technologies has brought to a creation of the new forms of presentation scientific information. Amongst them particular interest present methods virtual reality. Their using allows find a complex decision of number of problems, in accordance with processing and publication of results of scientific studies in the field of natural sciences and, in particular, in crystallography and chemistry of solid.

In this paper are present results a structure modeling of chromium, aluminum, iron and zirconium (low temperature modification) molybdates. As objects for visualizations are choose materials, in detail studied by several physicists-chemical and electrochemical methods [1,2,3,4,5]. Original phases of tree-valence metal is devoted to Sc2(WO4)3 structure type with monoclinic cell of P21/c specious group and original LT-Zr(MoO4)2 has owner structure type with monoclinic cell of C2/c specious group (table 1). For all of them it is distinctive an ability of effectively to insert of lithium ions in its crystalline lattices. Changes of cell parameters by the insertion for all except ion molybdate are imperceptible. Such behavior may be explained by the existence in crystal structures of these materials of specious cavities bounded between its sufficiently passages. The necessary of testing this hypothesis does given group of materials highly attractive for the VRML-modeling. The advisability of use not only real, as well as virtual models, is bound with big sizes and complex structures of elementary cells given materials. For the best understanding the mechanisms of moving the lithium ions in structures is advisable to visual possible ways of the lithium ion transport within the whole channel system by step by step scanning.

Table 1. X-ray power diffraction data for LiXM2(MoO4)3 (*) and LT-LiXM(MoO4)2 (**).

M X Cell a,Å b,Å c,Å âo
Al * 0 Monoclinic P21/c 15,40(6) 8,99(3) 17,93(5) 125,5(4)
Al * 3 Monoclinic P21/c 15,40(6) 8,99(3) 17,94(6) 125,5(5)
Fe * 0 Monoclinic P21/c 18,27(3) 9,23(1) 15,72(2) 125,5(2)
Fe * 2 Orthorhombic Pbcn 12,86(11) - 9,43(8) 9,37(8)
Cr * 0 Monoclinic P21/c 18,14(3) 9,15(1) 15,58(2) 125,4(2)
Cr * 2,3 Monoclinic P21/c 18,12(7) 9,16(3) 15,62(6) 125,4(5)
Zr ** 0 Monoclinic C2/c 11,43(4) 7,94(2) 7,60(2) 122,1(4)
Zr ** 2 Monoclinic C2/c 11,52(2) 7,93(1) 7,62(1) 122,3(2)

The modeling was realized in the format VRML ver.1.0. Data about atomic coordinates were take from literary sources [3,4,5]. The generation of atoms was run for the program, written by A.I. Lujetsky on Pascal. VRLM-files were produce by means of the program-converter, written by author on Basic. The visualization of structures was realized by means of Netscape ver. 3.0 and above. A scene from different standpoints was copy from the screen in the file and at need was printed.

The visualization of structures a molybdates trivalent metals shows on a presence of large cavities, bound between itself channels at all M2(MoO4)3. The insertion of lithium doesn't change topology of all 3D-networks. Such behavior makes possible to use atom coordinates data of original phases for the modeling of phases after insertion. Although neutron power diffraction data by lithium ion coordinates are only for iron molybdate it is possible to finger the preference position by using of the visualization and for other substances. Array of such positions is akin to its which observe after the insertion in iron molybdate. The lithium ions orderly dispose in the most spacious cavities. Possible differences between substance may be clear by influence electron structures of according transfer metal ions. In the structure of low temperature zirconium molybdate cavities far less than other structures, but channels are present too (Fig.1.). This result is in a good agreement with data, received by study of reactions of electrochemical insertion lithium [2].

Fig. 1. Projection of the structure of LT-Zr(MoO4)2 along [001] direction.

Received results show that preliminary suggestions on presence of channels in crystalline structures of studied substances are correct. This confirms, offered earlier mechanisms of chemical conversions [2]. In the same time, absence of efficient ways of quantitative interpreting the results to visualizations limits the possibilities of method and requires new studies.

  1. N.G. Sudorgin, V.B. Nalbandyan, Electrochemistry. 1992. V.28. P.122.
  2. N.G. Sudorgin, B.Y. Helmer, A.T. Shuvaev, V.B. Nalbandyan, National meeting by applying of X-ray, synchrotron radiation, neutrons and electrons in study of materials. RSNEE'97 Moscow - Dubna. May 25-29 1997. P. 505.
  3. R.F. Klevtsova, L.A. Glinskaya, E.S. Zolotova, P.V. Klevtsov, DAN USSR. 1991. V.305. P.91.
  4. P.D. Battle, A.K. Cheetham, W.T.A. Harrison, N.J. Pollard, J. Faber, J. Solid State Chem. 1985.V.58.P.221.
  5. W.T.A. Harrison, A.K. Cheetham, J. Solid State Chem.1988.V.76.P.328.