Industrial Applications at Neutron and Synchrotron Sources

Oral Contributions

  1. Industrial Applications at a Neutron Facility
    M. Daymond

  2. Deformation of Metals as Seen by Neutron Diffraction
    P. Lukas, K. Macek, P. Mikula, D. Neov, G.M. Swallow, M. Vrana, R. Wimpory

  3. On the Use of X-Ray Diffraction in the Solid-Processing Industry
    M. Bellotto

  4. Industrial Applications at Radiation Sources
    I.L. Komov

  5. Novel Applications of Energy-Dispersive Diffraction in Materials and Industrial Science
    P. Barnes, S.L. Colston, A. Jupe, S. Jacques, J.K. Cockcroft, C. Hall


  1. Calculation of the light collection efficiency in scintillating crystals
    V.P. Gavriljuk