Karimat EL-Sayed, Alaa Soliman

Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Ain-Sams University, Cairo,Egypt, Karima@FRCU.EUN.EG


Keywords: Thin Films,Multilayers,Microstructures,Co/Cu(111)Superlattice


The microstructural parameters of three epitaxialy grown Co/Cu(111) superlattices were investigated in this study.The crystallite size,strain, and stacking sequence have been thoroughly analyzed by using the profile analysis.The epitaxialy grown Co/Cu(111) peak on 1120 saphire plane were found to be related to the thickness of the multilayers,the Co thickness and the Cu thickness.The fundamental Co/Cu(111) peak were separated into its individual Co and Cu peaks.The crystallite size,microstrains were found for each peaks and were correlated to;total thickness of the multylayers and the individual thickness of each layer.The observed structure factors for Co and Cu peaks were also determined and the percentage of cubic structure to hexagonal structure in Co layers were found to change from one sample to the other ,this change were correlated to microstrucures and to the magnetic anisotropy in the Co layers.The stacking sequence in the Co layers were found to depend on the thickness of the Cu layers.